Thursday, July 06, 2017
Ending the North Korean Threat
The United States must not tolerate the insanity of a tiny country 5,626 miles from the most populous state of the Union, California, being ALLOWED to threaten to kill MILLIONS of Americans. This is truly an existential crisis. That is, the very EXISTENCE of millions of Americans, and even, thus, the continuation of our civilization if we cannot and will not defend ourselves, depends on how we respond to this appalling and unprecedented threat. If the United States will not protect California, the Union will disappear, because it will cease to have any value to anyone anywhere in the (present) Nation.
The United States today is controlled by pussies, but even housecats have more courage than our current leadership. I have two beautiful cats. They would never consent to be cowed into yielding their home to outsiders. But the current leadership — Republican, Democratic, and nonpartisan advisors on foreign policy — is uniformly cowardly. They are united, as far as we can tell, in the belief that only diplomacy, thru Communist China, can save us from nuclear attack. Bull.
There ARE options other than living into the indefinite future with the threat of a theremonuclear attack. We do NOT have to live like that. Even if North Korea should have one or a few intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of delivering a hydrogen-bomb warhead — and that is dubious — the U.S. has some 1,800(!) such missiles. Why on Earth would we permit tiny, insignificant North Korea to threaten us?
The United States MUST tell the PEOPLE of North Korea that we will have no choice but to kill them by the million, possibly to the extinction of the entire population of North Korea, unless they rise up in revolution to remove the current regime and replace it with a government that threatens no one. The U.S. must urge the people of North Korea to save themselves from being vaporized or, worse, killed by agonizing days or weeks of radiation sickness, in which they must watch their children die in agony, by overthrowing the current regime.
Nor can we even consider the effects upon South Korea or Japan of such a thermonuclear attack upon North Korea. Frankly, if the choice is for South Koreans and/or Japanese to die or Americans to die, I have absolutely no hesitation in choosing to have South Koreans and/or Japanese die RATHER than Americans. That is not a quandary for me.
Mutual Assured Destruction ("MAD") works as restraint only if both parties to a potential conflict are sane. We have no such assurance in the case of the present North Korean regime, which has been ruled by one family of lunatics for decades. So we have no reason to believe that MAD will restrain the present North Korean regime. We have no idea if Kim Jong-Un is even remotely sane, or if he is off-the-wall nuts. He has murdered his own relatives, so why would we think he'd be any gentler with us?
Let us be plain here. I do not consent to have ANYONE in the United States murdered by a nuclear attack from North Korea, much less a MILLION Americans or MANY MILLIONS of Americans. That is not even remotely acceptable to me. If to prevent a nuclear attack by North Korea, we have to KILL EVERY SINGLE NORTH KOREAN, all 25 million and more of them, that is a price we MUST be willing to pay. And we must TELL the people of North Korea that we WILL kill ALL of them, if need be, to protect ourselves. Their lives mean NOTHING to us. OUR lives mean EVERYTHING to us.
Forget about nudges from Communist China. Communist China is not our FRIEND! It has NEVER been our friend and WILL never be our friend. We need to work for the overthrow of that government too. Unless Communist China tells North Korea, both publicly and privately, that it will militarily INVADE North Korea to oust the present government, and starts massing millions of troops at the border, no one should believe that Communist China is hostile to North Korea's behavior.
Where, after all, has North Korea gotten the MONEY for its missile and nuclear-weapons programs, if not from Communist China? No one else does business-as-usual with the North Korean regime.
Where has North Korea gotten the TECHNOLOGY for its highly advanced weapons and missile programs? Are we to believe that a country of 25 million has within its own territory and population the brilliance to do all this without outside help? I don't believe that. Do you?
North Korea is now, and has long been, at the edge of mass starvation. At times, it has gone over that edge, and mass starvation has occurred. How does a starving society spend billions on nuclear-weapons and ballistic-missile technology? And why don't the media even ask?
No sane person in the leadership of the United States could for an INSTANT consent to give a nothing little country like North Korea the power to control the greatest country in the history of the world. NO. We must crush North Korea like a bug. If that means we must rain a hundred thermonuclear-tipped ballistic missiles on every part of North Korea, then that is what we must do. Maybe a thermonuclear attack upon the research facilities and test facilities of the North Korean military would suffice. But I'd rather be safe than sorry. The stakes are too high to permit ANY weapons facility to remain after a U.S. attack. Destroy them all. If need be, KILL THEM ALL. We didn't start this, but we sure as hell can end it