Thursday, December 07, 2017
I present below the text of an email I sent this morning to U.S. Senator from Minnesota Al Franken, under the same subject line as the title of this post.
Fight the Castration Crowd, and tell the Radical Feminist lynch mob to go f* itself! The latest I heard of your "accusers" was December 6th, when a woman accused you of the horrendous crime of kissing her! Do we really want to criminalize kissing? Things have plainly gone way too far, and it's time to restore balance to male-female relations in the United States. Lesbians and lesbian-led women want to impose an Eleventh Commandment on this country, "Boys Shall Not Be Boys" — and enforce it with preposterously excessive punishments for TRIVIA, physical trivia and emotional trivia. Sex is just sex. No big deal.
The conspiracy against manhood has risen to the level of a Castration Conspiracy, in which all things male are to be condemned, all men are to be regarded as sexual predators, and all women are "victims" of male abuse. To borrow from what one woman, decades ago, urged us as to something else, "Just say no!"
The incidents I first saw reported involving you date back DECADES, and were not prosecuted by the supposed "victims". What victim of RAPE or sexual molestation does not go to the police? NONE. Thus, even if something sexual did happen, the "victim" must have been a willing participant, not a "victim". Even in the case of the pseudo-incriminating foto of your reaching toward a woman's breasts (but not actually touching them, as far as I could tell from the picture) while she was asleep, you would not have permitted yourself to be captured on film during the commission of a crime. Res ipse loquitur: there was no crime there. If she didn't feel a thing and was not emotionally affected at the time, there was no crime. Moreover, as I understand things, you were NOT in government at the time, so private actions of a private person that were NOT complained about to government have NO RELEVANCE to your role in society today.
We seem on the brink of a massive Sexual Counterrevolution, in which the efforts of millions of people to free society of insane prudery and individuals from ridiculous restrictions on sexual and affectional activity, could be largely undone, such that we would be plunged into The Bad Old Days when natural interests, urges, and activities are criminalized. Would men be the only casualties of such a war against sex? Plainly not. So in fighting to stop criminalization of manhood, you would simultaneously be fighting to stop criminalization of womanhood.
Perhaps you do not appreciate that Donald Trump became President not DESPITE his remarks on the Billy Bush tape, but BECAUSE of them: because one of the things that the Angry White Men who are his core support are angriest about is the active contempt endlessly heaped upon all things masculine by an increasingly deviant and lunatic society. Those Angry White Men — and as regards the mistreatment of men, nonwhite men also feel rage — are likely to elect Roy Moore to the Senate, again, not DESPITE his behavior decades ago but BECAUSE of it, in a state in which local traditions have always allowed of child marriage and young (sexual) love.
It seems to many men in this country that there aren't 7 working testes in the entire heterosexual population. Men are treated like contemptible children whose only shred of masculinity is WATCHING children's games being played by college and professional athletes, that is, watching OTHER people exercising, while letting their own bodies fall to pieces.
Donald Trump proved he was a 'real man', not one of our tens of millions of latter-day psychological eunuchs, first, in his initial remarks to Billy Bush, and then in his defense that it was all just "locker-room" talk: locker rooms in which women are not (yet) permitted. Trump has had three wives (so far), and discarded each when he was done with her. That sure hasn't hurt him politically either, has it? So why should you play into your enemies' games? Why abandon the Senate and reduce Democratic strength by one, at the self-same time that Republicans are likely to GAIN by one? Or is all that talk of Republicans being consigned to legislative failure if even two of their members of the Senate do not toe the line, all bullsh*? [I should have added, and now do add, "Sorry, cowsh*."]
I have always been very glad to be gay, but rarely as much as now, when women are making plain that no sane man should have anything to do with women. I'm the guy who at age 23 proposed the term "Gay Pride" as it is now used round the world. But I don't want gay men to be "collateral damage" in what we might call attacks by 'efeminated' women (the equivalent of emasculated men) on all things masculine. We fought for our freedom once. I don't want us to have to fight for it again.
Hugh Hefner died recently. Will the Sexual Revolution in which he played so valuable a role be buried not long after him?
Fevered irrationality on men's sexual attentions to women, who CLAIM not to have wanted to be found attractive and be pursued, might work in unexpected ways. What if revulsion at men's sexual desires for women should turn to women's part in their own "victimization", and to punishing women for their participation in lustful encounters by forcing them to live with the consequences of their acts, such as being denied the 'right' to kill a child to cover up their tracks in willing sexual encounters? Would the women now trying to push you out of office want a return to punitive behavior on pregnancy, and a total ban on medically unnecessary abortion? Anyone who thinks that the furies of harpies could not possibly turn upon women in unexpected ways does not understand that emotions do not follow logical rules nor patterns, so anyone can be true victims of shame-driven antisexualism.
So fight the good fight for MEN'S rights to be men, and NOT to be presumed rapists because they have sexual thoughts and even activities with women, women who did not complain to the authorities at the time but now pose as innocents. Fight back. If you are told you must take the bullet for a Democratic Party that is increasingly estranged from American values; if people insist you go down in flames to protect the party, tell them that if you go down in flames, you are going to take as many of THEM with you as possible.
People of the hypocritical ilk you are dealing with are fond of saying things like "Freedom is indivisible". Tell them that that cuts both ways: women's rights are not one whit superior to men's rights, and men have no reason to permit themselves to be victimized by women. That would be to co-conspire in doing injustice, because injustice to men would have to be injustice to women too, wouldn't it, if "Freedom is indivisible"?
The Democratic Party has lost its mind. You can help bring it back in from the cold by trimming back the nonsense and telling the crazies to shut up! The present course of enlisting in every lunatic movement hostile to our traditions is driving more and more people into the arms of the Republicans. Save your own "seat" (so to speak), and contribute to saving the Democratic Party too.