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The Expansionist
Friday, December 15, 2017
Welcome Back, Alabama!
(Welcome back to the Union, that is.) Alabama is no longer — or at least is not for now — in insurrection against the United States of America. Will this last? Will Alabamians enjoy no longer being pariahs, like their peers in neighboring Mississippi? Or will they, after a very few years of being truly part of the Nation, decide that the nation they'd rather rejoin is the Confederacy?
Only time will tell. Sometimes people adjust well to new realities under new circumstances, even being relieved at the changes they have seen. Other times, the mind rebels. People can become so agitated and uncomfortable that they have to return to their personal status quo ante a major change in their life or in social or political conditions around them.
A few people who begin to relax and accept new realities recognize more or less aloud that life is easier and more pleasant once they accept what the Great Seal of the United States calls "novus ordo seclorum" — "a new order of the ages". Few will consciously put two and two together to accept that in order to keep someone down, you have to stay down yourself, so that in taking your foot off another person's neck, you empower yourself to rise to such heights as your own abilities will take you. Wouldn't it be great if EVERYONE who in the past enjoyed unfair advantage in conspiring against some of their fellow-citizens, were to understand, and state aloud, that THEIR lives are better for not having to hold other people down, or even just somewhat back, but for now being able to SOAR above the vicious, the petty, the mundane, to think great thoughts and do great things?
Alabama is one of only six states in the (48) conterminous United States (Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Florida), and eight in the entire country (including Alaska and Hawaii) that I have not been to or thru. Maybe I will visit Alabama sometime, now that it is a Southern State, not a Confederate State.

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