Wednesday, September 26, 2018
The War on Men Shifts into High Gear
The “Me Too” loons demonstrating against Judge Kavanaugh have started to chant “We believe [the] survivors”. “Survivors”!? The accusations against the judge do NOT include attempted MURDER, only trivial sexual 'offenses'. “Survivors” plainly suggests violent, murderous assault. This extravagant language must be CRUSHED. When public discussion degenerates into insane overstatement, society must clamp down and DEMAND civility. How? One way is for media commentators to condemn such outrages. Another would be for media to refuse to cover such disgraceful excesses. Another would be for civic leaders, educators, public-service organizations, school boards, teachers' unions, and other elements of civil society to demand an END to this abuse of men and point out the hypocrisy of these loons in demanding respect for women when they are hurling vitriolic disrespect at men!
+ Uncountable decent Americans who may have had doubts about Kavanaugh's suitability for the Supreme Court have decided that it is very important that he IS confirmed, to rout the forces of slander and hatemongering against men. The slanderers may end up achieving the exact opposite of what they intended, to humiliate and frustrate the aspirations of a highly qualified judge with whose judicial philosophy they disagree.
+ If Judge Kavanaugh is NOT confirmed, and the slanderers win, men may have to ratchet up the discord and fight back and make this truly a war, not an unanswered, unending barrage of attacks upon men. Men may have to declare actual, military war against their enemies, and take no prisoners. Now, can we take bets on which gender would win a military war between men and women?