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The Expansionist
Wednesday, September 05, 2018
Trump Does Not Know History
Donald Trump is fond of saying things like “the most important [this] (or [that]) ever (or “in history”). But Donald Trump knows NOTHING about history, not American history, not world history
Does anyone believe that Trump knows why Iran is so proud of its place in the world and so protective of its dignity? Of course not. Does Trump know anything about the origins of the Russian Empire vis-a-vis (the) Ukraine, and the Empire's successor, the Soviet Union​? Does Trump understand why Russia feels victimized by the West when the Gorbachev era stripped away large chunks of the Empire from Holy Mother Russia?
Did Trump ever hear of New Spain or Gran Colombia? The Empire of Brazil? Tainos? Caribs? Oneidas? Crees? Does he have any idea what the Iroquois Confederacy, the Five Nations, the Six Nations were, and where, and when? Is he familiar with the terms “First Nations”, and “Inuit”? Does Trump know how to pronounce “Rohingya”? Does he know what “Persia” is or was? How about “Siam”? “Shogun”? Chinese Republic? Does he know the earlier names of Myanmar, Guyana, and Belize? Does Trump know what Mesopotamia is or was? Can he name the two rivers that defined Mesopotamia?
The United States is involved in a war against people who want to restore the Caliphate. Does Trump know what the Caliphate is or was? Can Trump find Gaza on a map? The West Bank? Does he know the difference between Gaza and Giza?
A President doesn't have to know everything about everything, but certainly needs to recruit people who do know each of the subject-matter and geographic areas that the U.S. Government must deal with, and, regarding which, must make wise choices.
Trump has the arrogance of ignorance. He looks at Iran and thinks of it only in terms of its present geographic size and population (if he has any idea whatsoever of Iran's population). That is not how Iranians regard Iran. They know their history and are indignant at being treated shabbily.
I would love to see Celebrity Jeopardy!: m Presidential Edition, involving Trump and his two immediate predecessors, Obama and Clinton. THAT would be entertaining.

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